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Our Ladies' Fellowship ministry is used as a time for encouragement in God's Word.  We meet the second Tuesday evening at 7 pm each month. All ladies are welcome, from the youngest to the oldest.  We enjoy fellowship around God's Word, a time of prayer, great food, and a general companionship that is found in the body of believers.  


This coming year we are memorizing scripture that will help us evangelize as we work amongst many who need to hear of our Savior.  We recognize this can be a fearful task but with Scripture shared from our hearts we can conquer our fears and rely on God's Word to reach the hearts of those we come in contact with.


Each fellowship this year will finish with an object lesson designed to apply God's Word to our hearts to change and grow to be more like our Savior.


Ministries of the Ladies' Fellowship include preparing our "Prophet's Chamber" for upcoming guests.  This is a small studio apartment that we keep for visiting missionaries, pastors, and guests.  It is a blessing to be able to provide a home away from home for our visitors.  


Another ministry is our annual "Harvest of Friends" banquet. This is designed for girls ages 4 - 18.  Our ladies provide soup, bread, dessert, and an array of wonderful food for our young ladies.  The purpose of the banquet is to help young girls desire Godly friendships, be a Godly friend, and seek for others to tell of our True Friend, Christ Jesus.  This banquet is an outreach for our young people and is looked forward to every year.


For adult ladies, we have the "Bread of Life" dinner in the Spring.  The focus on this dinner is evangelism as we invite others to learn of the true "Bread of Life"...our Christ Jesus.  It is a great time of fellowship centering on God's Word and outreach to our community.

Our ladies also help out wherever they are needed in various church activities and outreaches.  Whether it is setting up for a meal, bringing delicious food to a friend in need, cleaning the church compound, or offering a word of encouragement when needed our ladies are always willing to go the extra mile.

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