87-138 Gilipake St.
Waianae, Hawaii 96792
What to Expect
What is a service like at MBC?
Each service starts with prayer, congregational singing, and Scripture reading. The pastor then offers a powerful Biblical message that is readily applicable to everyday life. The service lasts approximately 90 minutes.
What is the worship music like?
Here at MBC we sing songs that richly glorify God by magnifying His name, edifying others, and uplifting the heart. These songs are typically conservative in nature with sacred hymn, both traditional and modern, and old gospel songs.
Where do my children go?
During the services our nursery is open for ages birth - 3 years. For children pre-K to 3rd grade, we offer children's church where they are taught biblical stories and lessons at their level.
What do I wear?
Here at MBC you will some that are dress casually or more professionally. We welcome all that come to our church, but we remember that we seek to glorify God as we worship. Our attire should honor the Lord and not prevent others from doing the same.
What happens after the service?
We have sweet fellowship with one another around a table of small refreshments generously offered by volunteer members. Everyone is also welcome to stay for small group discussion time where we dig deeper into the sermon passage.